Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pretty much back to normal

Coffee.Aha! One egg, one slice of bacon (20g) torn into two pieces.
Went to physio/work-out this morning before work. Did very well. Extra abs today.

Coffee and a hard-boiled egg for am break.
Tuna salad for lunch with a quarter of an avocado instead of the half I always used to have. It's taken me awhile but I've discovered that I really can get by on much smaller portions. Now if I could only buy 3/4 sized cans of tuna. Also 100g of celery and 60g of radishes.
Rest of the coffee and 25g of cheese. (Still Moonstruck, still white grace - love this stuff).
Dinner was basically left-overs from the last two nights. 50g of steak, 60g of salmon, more asparagus and a salad.

Made up some more rhubarb tonight. Had 100g with a tablespoon of coffee cream.Totals: 1,435 calories and 29g carbohydrates.

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