Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ack! Who left me in charge?

Yadda, yadda, breakfast, coffee, bacon, eggs.
Morning coffee break--> coffee!
Dentyne ice mints picked at throughout the day.
Tuna in sesame oil, jicama, celery, radish and on the far left, sugar-free peach gelatin.
Afternoon break, lukewarm coffee, .66 of a serving of Piller's pepperoni tidbitz and 35g cheddar cheese.
Chicken was still in the oven when Doug got home at 7pm so we started with a salad.
Chicken florentine ad lib - ie. cooked without a recipe. I used spinach, portabello mushrooms, a couple of tablespoons of Classico Bruschetta and some shredded cheese on top of a chicken breast.
For dessert (yes dessert) we had some rhubarb cooked in Torani sugar-free vanilla bean syrup with a little whipped cream on top. Yum!
1,572 calories today.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day off today

This is really getting rather tedious. Bacon, eggs, coffee.Went for an appointment at a new podiatrist about the continuing pain in my foot. Can't be cured, can only be managed but new orthotics and new shoes every six months will help.
Came home and grazed for lunch. Started with 3 tablespoons (45g) of Spreadable philly cream cheese with smoked salmon and a big handful of celery.
Snooping around for protein that didn't need cooking I found sardines in mustard sauce.
And a tiny bit of old cheddar to finish it off.
Went to physio/exercise and managed to do all the exercises, including all the recent progressions by taking it very slowly. My left knee is still causing trouble. I really must stretch more. Came home and had some ginger-ale and 3 pieces of Piller's pepperoni tidbitz to keep me going until dinner.
Fresh snapper fillets and asparagus on sale at the supermarket so that was dinner tonight. Also a grilled portabello mushroom that I picked up a couple of days ago and needed eating. 200g of fish (they were big fillets) 62g of asparagus and the mushroom was 55g. Normal side salad.
I was coming past some treats in the supermarket thinking "I want a treat" and had decided I would have to do something with cocoa powder when I got home when I turned the corner and low and behold these leapt out of the cooler and into my basket. Just what I needed. No extra sugar and only 70 calories. Doug and I each had one after dinner and they were really, really good.
Several hours later we were both quite hungry so we had a little fruit and cheese. I ate those pieces on the right side of the photo.
Total for today 1,521!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

better today

Hey, it's morning. Coffee.Bacon and eggs too.
Nice lunch at home before I head out for my late shift. Sauted bok choi and a portabello mushroom and threw a Clover Leaf tuna steak in the mild curry flavour over top. Yum yum.
Put seven of these little mints in my pocket and had them over the next eight hours.
Went to the Patisserie for my coffee and took a piece of shortbread from the free tastes plate. Mmmm, shortbread. I'm guessing it was 5-7 grams.

Dinner of chicken salad, jicama, celery and radish. That's more of that good smokey Spanish paprika on top.For my evening break I brought 100g of strawberries and the last of the Bresse bleu cheese (44g).
As usual when we get home from work at 9pm we always want a snack. I had 20g of pork rinds and some sugar-free grape soda.
I did wait awhile after the pork rinds but still felt hungry so I had 125ml of cottage cheese with a drizzle of Torani sugar-free syrup on top.
Today's totals 1,529 - not too shabby.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Had a rough night last night. I remember waking up, having to go to the bathroom and not being able to open my eyes. I felt my way along the walls and managed the whole procedure while still mostly asleep. I still felt tired this morning but even worse I was achy all over. Feet, knees, back even my fingers felt sore and stiff. Hormones? Barometric pressure? Took lots of ibuprofen but not much help.Usual breakfast, bacon, eggs, coffee.
Went to physio/exercise but was very tired and weak. I did a large portion of my program but couldn't finish. Scott wasn't there because I went before noon so I had no one to push me. I didn't even stretch out before I left. Poopie. I bought myself some flowers to try and cheer myself up. When I came home I wanted some lunch but was too tired to make anything. I had 40g of pork rinds and some sugar-free ginger-ale.
About an hour later I managed to throw together a soup. I sauted a bit of onion, ginger and garlic, added about 2 cups of chicken broth that was sitting in the fridge for awhile now and a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter. It was okay but not as good as my old recipe for groundnut soup I used to make back when I was a vegetarian.
For my break at work I bought a coffee and had half of my emergency Atkins bar from my purse. While buying my coffee I looked at all the yummy treats in the bakery and very nearly bought a "wheat-free apricot bar" but figured that way lay madness or at least much over-eating.
For supper we hadn't planned anything (bad Scotts) so we had a chef salad. We didn't measure the veg only the 56g of chicken, 26g of roast beef, 23g of cheese and two tablespoons (30ml) of creamy dressing.
1,552 calories for the day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How did that happen?

Today began much the same as any other day. Bacon and eggs, coffee.
For my coffee break, besides coffee I had 35g of mixed nuts. Did you know that there are 216 calories in 35g of mixed nuts. That's a lot of calories for my break but it sure doesn't seem like much of a snack.

I was talking to Tom when I started eating and forgot to take my picture until I had already had a couple of bites. Lunch was tuna salad, three slices (about a third) of an avocado and my baggie of celery, jicama and radish. We continued chatting and I completely forgot to take a picture of the jell-o that was hidden in the navy lunch bag when I took this one.
Afternoon break I finished my coffee and had a bite of cheese.
Doug was home today and had a roast chicken ready shortly after I got home. We didn't make a side veg but did have an extra big salad to make up for it. There's also a glass of sugar-free ginger-ale there.
For dessert/snack a couple of hours later I had three big strawberries (120g) and a slice of the Bresse Bleu cheese (33g).
Even though it really didn't seem like a lot of food, either while eating it or looking at all these pictures my total calories for the day was 1,905 which is rather high. I need to find a lower calorie snack than the mixed nuts.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy Victoria Day from Victoria!

Good morning. It might be a holiday but there is no holiday for coffee.
Dithered around for awhile this morning trying to decide how to use our day off. I decided to make pancakes for brunch. My recipe includes: ground flax seed, whey protein concentrate, vital wheat gluten, eggs, coconut oil, plain yogourt, splenda, cinnamon and baking powder. I had mine with bacon, Doug had sausages. We used a mix of maple flavoured maltitol syrup and Torani caramel flavoured syrup on top. Also more coffee.
We shopped for awhile before heading to the cinema. The movie started a little later than we had expected and Doug was worried that he'd be famished before it let out. We walked up the street to a market and scoured the deli for something we could eat in the theatre that wasn't a dietary disaster. I chose the Butter Chicken Wrap partly because the calorie count on the "Nutrition Facts" panel seemed really low. After examining it a little more closely I realized the info label said 110 calories for a 50g serving. It also tried to tell me that there was 1 serving per container even though under the ingredients list it clearly says Net Wt. 300g (10.6 oz). What gives? One medium sized wrap is 6 servings? Since when? I ate about 2/3 of it. It was yummy, but duh.
I washed down the wrap with a yummy pink soda.
When we finally got home Doug was good enough to make me some dinner. We had cheeseburgers (132g organic lean ground beef, 26g orange inorganic cheese) and salad.
For dessert/ snack I had the last of the camembert and melon (they go so well together) 22g cheese and 56g canteloupe.
Total calories today 1,476.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Rally Weekend, Woot!

Had a rough night and slept in. When I checked my messages meet-up had been moved up an hour and I was already late! Flax cereal and some coffee that I had to empty into my thermos after two sips.Once I got to the causeway I had some of the coffee.
In spite of pretty rotten weather (showers, light to heavy) we had over 50 bikes congregate at the inner harbour. There's Andrew and Carol and Richard in his shades despite the overcast.
After a couple of hours standing in the drizzle and an18km (11.5mi) very fast, very wet ride I ran into the Starbucks at Cadboro Bay Village to change my pants that were soaked through from bum to ankle. I was waiting to place my coffee order I noticed they had a bar called "Cranberry Chocolate Protein Bar with Soy" The chocolate was a little drizzle on top and it was dry enough to convince me that it was indeed high in protein. I was not pleased to find out when I got home that this little bar had 320 calories. Good thing I used Splenda in my coffee.

Once at the park we huddled under the eaves of the washroom/change house or waited impatiently while the grill was brought up to temperature under a three metre square Gazebo. By about 4pm I finally got my free smokie and didn't regret at all having the bar and coffee. I managed to pile onions, sauerkraut, relish and dijon on top. I ate all the dog but tossed the last quarter of the bun.Also provided were refreshing beverages. I'm not sure why they were in a cooler since the temperature outside was about 9c (48F) and the drink seemed a little warm in my hand.
When I finally got home I felt like a kid who's been out playing in the snow too long. Cold, wet, tired, sore and exhausted but happy. Doug had dinner at dinner-time but it wasn't until about 8:30 that I could summon any interest in the steak and salad he had made. Also sugar-free ginger-ale.
Carbs - way over. Calories - ? Probably not too many when you consider playing outside most of the day.