Friday, August 17, 2007

Good news, more good news and bad news

The good news is there are no more cookies. Doug took them to work - so I'm safe from their evil influence. The other good news is Doug has been offered a permanent position (as opposed to being on call). The bad news is we had celebratory dinner.

This morning started with coffee. I went to my work-out, did very well thank you and had a double of the Whey Protein shake in chocolate.
Visited Mom but still not very hungry after the shake, just had some salad and tea.
A couple of hours before dinner I was suddenly quite hungry. I had three slices of the dry ham (Alpen Shinken it's called) and a drink of diet soda to keep me going.
Thought about what Doug would appreciate most and came up with Splendid Chinese. That's the name of our favorite Chinese restaurant - Splendid. I got all of his favorites: egg roll, lemon chicken, Splendid special fried rice and sweet and sour pork. A dieters disaster! However, I took reasonable servings of everything and not too much sauce and according to fitday this plate is about 750 calories worth. Good thing I had so little earlier today - and doesn't it make you wonder how many calories are consumed at the buffet tables?
Several hours later the blue cheese was calling to me again - especially since I picked up a pint of strawberries today. 34g of cheese and 71g of strawberries.
According to fitday 1,474 calories and 88g of carbohydrates. I think that the calories in the fitday database were a bit off for the sweet and sour pork and I'm probably closer to 1,600 calories. Now all I have to do is get past my birthday next week and I can get back to an actual Low-Carb lifestyle.

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