Monday, May 28, 2007

Seven weeks and four kilos!

Now I know that I'm not supposed to be a slave to the scale. I know it's more important that I feel good and that my clothes are getting looser but every now and then I cave and weigh myself just to see empirically the progress I already know I've made.
Today - a day short of the seven week anniversary of this blog I'm down 4kg (about 9 pounds) from the weight I was just before I began taking pictures of food willy nilly. Actually, over-all I'm down down almost 7 kilos from the point four weeks earlier when I started recording what I was eating in my FitDay programme but I've done that before and frequently stop using it when I have to eat out or have something for which I don't know the nutrition values. I'm hoping that I can keep this up for as long as necessary. Now all I need is one of those new-fangled cellular telephones with a camera built in that will fit in my pocket so I don't need to haul my half-pound (plus extra batteries) Canon A430 all the time.

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