Saturday, June 9, 2007

Scooter weekend

Saturday will probably be the hardest day to stick to eating reasonably since we're going to the market today. That means tons of yummy home made goodies from baking to cheeses.

Later on we will be BBQ-ing at the cabin, last year looked like this:

If I can have just salad and steak I should be fine. It's the booze I'm worried about...


Anonymous said...

Well I think you are doing GREAT with your food issues. Taking all those photos must be such a chore, but I bet it really helps. GOOD for YOU, you are being really pro-active.

I wonder how you managed with all the yummy temptations at the Salt Spring Market. I love that market and stumbled onto this blog as I was searching for info about the market (thanks, just got the link for Just wanted to take the time to let you know how great I think you are doing. You inspired me to check out too!
Cheers to you,
M. in Victoria.

Lynn said...

Thanks for your support. Over the past two months of doing this I've become much more aware of real hunger vs "want to eat" and while there were lots of temptations on Salt Spring I surprised myself by not wanting to have some of everything.
Carol bought a cookie, I had a bite to see what it was like. Rob bought dark chocolate fudge, I declined (!?!). A whole table of cookies? I bought one and saved it for later.
This must be how skinny people eat.
I think in spite of the temptations, because I was busy, surrounded by friends and having a great time, food just didn't have it's usual hold over me.
Thanks again. Lynn