Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Yes, more coffee.
Got some new bacon, local 'happy' piggies make very tasty bacon.
Since I figure on 40g for a serving of bacon I had to enjoy only 1 1/2 slices instead of the two smaller slices I had been eating. Two eggs, still large.
For a snack today I packed 25g of almonds which is 145 calories. I threw out one that was bad and saved four for later.
I took the smallest piece of the left-over meatloaf (80g) some jicama, mushrooms and celery, also jell-o. While I was eating I read the new issue of Time magazine which has the cover story "The Science of Appetite". It was a little depressing since the main gist I got was that evolution has made us want to eat, especially high calories foods, as a survival tool. The only thing is, since we're surrounded by food 24/7 a lot of people are going to over-eat and while our heads say enough, several other mechanisms do their best to over-rule our decision to push away from the table.
A few little mints.
The rest of the coffee and almonds from this morning.
150g of roast chicken, 90g of mashed cauliflower and a side salad.
Total for today 1,551 calories and 30g net carbs.

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