Up early, perhaps too early. Had 1/2 cup plain yogourt with 50g of raspberries and coffee.
Before leaving for physio decided more protein was needed so 1 fried egg.
After physio and a successful hair appointment I joined Doug at home and we had chicken wraps. Mine had 85g of chicken, 20g cucumber, 30g tomatoes and about a tablespoon of mayonnaise.
Mid-afternoon I realized I was actually quite hungry. I had 35g of my favorite blue cheese and 60g of blueberries.
Waited half an hour but I was still hungry so had some diet pop and 30g of almonds.
Felt a bit of a headache all afternoon but only realized near dinner time that I was short a big serving of coffee for the day.
Not much in the house for a change. Made to with an omelet. 3 eggs, 4 large mushrooms, 3 slices of bacon and 20g of edam cheese. Full now.
1,386 calories and 39g of carbohydrates for the day.